"... Tell us, when will it be? and what sign
Thy coming, and the end of the world? "
(Mt.24: 3)
"Then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven;
and then shall all the tribes of the earth and see the Son of
Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power
and great glory "(Mt.24: 30)
and then shall all the tribes of the earth and see the Son of
Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power
and great glory "(Mt.24: 30)
1. Prophetic Perspective
About vigorous Jews who are scattered abroad, as Postol James wrote: "Be ye also patient, stablish your hearts: for that coming of the Lord" (Iak.5: 8). Impatient as the Christians of Thessalonica believed that Christ had already come (2Fes.2: 1,2).
They are mistaken, not understanding that His return will be preceded by: the loss of Jewish statehood, scattering, and then reuniting the people of Israel (Byt.49: 10, Ier.31: 10, Vtor.30 :3-5), the world wars, famines, mora (Mt.24: 6,7). On this day will usher in God (Is.42: 9, Am.3: 7), comes the prophet Elijah (Mal.4: 5), there will be solar and lunar eclipses (Ioil.2: 31), will be announcing a sign in heaven (Mt .24:30).
They are mistaken, not understanding that His return will be preceded by: the loss of Jewish statehood, scattering, and then reuniting the people of Israel (Byt.49: 10, Ier.31: 10, Vtor.30 :3-5), the world wars, famines, mora (Mt.24: 6,7). On this day will usher in God (Is.42: 9, Am.3: 7), comes the prophet Elijah (Mal.4: 5), there will be solar and lunar eclipses (Ioil.2: 31), will be announcing a sign in heaven (Mt .24:30).
Not only in the era of the early apostolic church, but today these misunderstandings often arise, in particular, due to the fact that believers do not distinguish between historical prophecies that relate to the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in the year 70 AD, after, of eschatological prophecies (end of the world and the Second Coming).
This happens for several reasons. First, the three evangelists gathered and presented, each in one chapter (Mk.13, Mt.24, Lk.21) all the sayings of Jesus about the future, without specifying by what time they are (close or distant).
Secondly, Jesus Christ himself adhered to the principle of Old Testament prophets, grouped events are usually not in chronological order, but thematically [L.1].
Third, in these chapters, as in some other places of the Bible, we are confronted with so-called: "prophetic perspective" [L.2, p.85], "reduced prospects" [L.3, str.472] "progressive fulfillment of prophecy" [L.4, p.14], "compressed time" [L.30, page 178]. When two similar events separated by long periods of time, place, though, at the same time, like merge into one.
For example, the prophecy of Isaiah about two different comings of the Messiah (Is.9: 6, 7, 61:1, 2) is not separated from each other in time, as the prophecy of Micah (Mih.5 :2-4) and Zechariah (Zech. 9:9, 10). There is no time interval between the construction of the second and third Temple in Jerusalem in the book of the prophet Haggai (Agg.2 :2-9). Also merged Zephaniah prophecy of the Babylonian invasion and the eschatological Day of the Lord (Sof.1 :2-18, 3:6-20).
The author of [L.2, p.85] writes: "For example, the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and the date of the court - the death of this world - said as one event, and we must keep in mind reading these chapters, as Matf.24 and 25 or Mark 13 and Luke. 21 "(see also [L.4, p.15, 66, and L.5, p. 19]).
Therefore, in the modern commentaries on Lk.21: 7 states: "He (Jesus) said about two completely different events: the destruction of the temple and the end of the world" [L.1, str.204], "... that will happen in 70 th year and at the end of this age, the Day of Judgement "[L.2, p.86].
Secondly, Jesus Christ himself adhered to the principle of Old Testament prophets, grouped events are usually not in chronological order, but thematically [L.1].
Third, in these chapters, as in some other places of the Bible, we are confronted with so-called: "prophetic perspective" [L.2, p.85], "reduced prospects" [L.3, str.472] "progressive fulfillment of prophecy" [L.4, p.14], "compressed time" [L.30, page 178]. When two similar events separated by long periods of time, place, though, at the same time, like merge into one.
For example, the prophecy of Isaiah about two different comings of the Messiah (Is.9: 6, 7, 61:1, 2) is not separated from each other in time, as the prophecy of Micah (Mih.5 :2-4) and Zechariah (Zech. 9:9, 10). There is no time interval between the construction of the second and third Temple in Jerusalem in the book of the prophet Haggai (Agg.2 :2-9). Also merged Zephaniah prophecy of the Babylonian invasion and the eschatological Day of the Lord (Sof.1 :2-18, 3:6-20).
The author of [L.2, p.85] writes: "For example, the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and the date of the court - the death of this world - said as one event, and we must keep in mind reading these chapters, as Matf.24 and 25 or Mark 13 and Luke. 21 "(see also [L.4, p.15, 66, and L.5, p. 19]).
Therefore, in the modern commentaries on Lk.21: 7 states: "He (Jesus) said about two completely different events: the destruction of the temple and the end of the world" [L.1, str.204], "... that will happen in 70 th year and at the end of this age, the Day of Judgement "[L.2, p.86].
Indeed, between the siege of Jerusalem (Lk.21 :20-24) and days of menacing signs of discouragement, grief (art.25, 26), after which the coming Son of Man (Article 27, 28) and bring it closer to the kingdom (art.31 ), there is an indefinite period of time. About it says Jesus himself.
"Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles" (Article 24, b).
"Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles" (Article 24, b).
2. When will it be?
Jesus Christ's disciples believed, apparently, that the destruction of the Temple (all Jews believed in - the temple will stand up to the end of time), the end of the century and the coming of the Messiah will take place simultaneously [L.6, str.454]. Therefore, they asked: "Tell us, when will it be? And a sign of thy coming, and the end of the world?" (Mt.24: 3 in, modern. Per. "What shall be the sign of thy return, and when will the end of the world?") .
The first question (about the destruction of the temple and the city), Jesus did not give a direct answer. However, precisely described the events that will happen soon.
"But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that the desolation (destruction) of his ...
And fall (be killed) from the edge of the sword, and led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden (will trample) the Gentiles, until (and so until now) the times of the Gentiles "(Lk.21: 20 - 24).
It just happened. In the year 70 AD during the first Jewish revolt (66-73 years) Roman troops under Titus (son of the Emperor Vespasian), after a five-month siege, captured and completely destroyed Jerusalem and the temple. In general, killing an estimated 600,000 Jews (and fall by the edge of the sword ").
After the defeat of the second Jewish revolt (132 - 135 years) on the ruins of Emperor Hadrian founded a pagan city-colony-Elia Capitolina, Judea State ceased to exist and finished scattering the Israelites [L.7].
It is then filled with the second part of the prophecy of Jesus about a national catastrophe: "and led away captive into all nations" (now the first. "And lead them captive to other nations").
The third part of the prophecy was realized only in 1980 with the proclamation of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, then ended for the City "times of the Gentiles" (now the first. "Until they expire time").
"But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that the desolation (destruction) of his ...
And fall (be killed) from the edge of the sword, and led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden (will trample) the Gentiles, until (and so until now) the times of the Gentiles "(Lk.21: 20 - 24).
It just happened. In the year 70 AD during the first Jewish revolt (66-73 years) Roman troops under Titus (son of the Emperor Vespasian), after a five-month siege, captured and completely destroyed Jerusalem and the temple. In general, killing an estimated 600,000 Jews (and fall by the edge of the sword ").
After the defeat of the second Jewish revolt (132 - 135 years) on the ruins of Emperor Hadrian founded a pagan city-colony-Elia Capitolina, Judea State ceased to exist and finished scattering the Israelites [L.7].
It is then filled with the second part of the prophecy of Jesus about a national catastrophe: "and led away captive into all nations" (now the first. "And lead them captive to other nations").
The third part of the prophecy was realized only in 1980 with the proclamation of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, then ended for the City "times of the Gentiles" (now the first. "Until they expire time").
3. Sign of the coming
Answering the second question: "what the sign of thy coming, and end of the world?" (Mt.24: 3, Sovrem. Per. "And when the end of the world?"), Christ is described in detail during recent times (Matt. gl.24, Mark . gl.13, Luke. gl.17, 21).Since the phenomenon of the Savior will be preceded by numerous historical events: wars, famine, pestilence and earthquakes in various places, persecution of Christians, the decline of faith, the appearance of false prophets, the multiplication of evil and the cooling of love (Mt.24 :6-12).
These symptoms end of the world can be seen already for two thousand years after the AD, almost in every historical period. Therefore, the Second Coming would expect: the church of Thessalonica in the 40's, many Christians in 1000, followers of a cult in 1914, some believers in 1943, 1999 and 2000.
All these expectations were not realized because of the above events, strictly speaking, are not symptoms (ie portents) the death of the evil one of this generation, and the only feature of recent times: from the ascension to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ are just the beginning of birth pangs, and not an end.
In addition, the disciples asked Jesus, not about the many superstitions, but on a test that will precede the end of the world (Mt.24: 3, Mk.13: 4, Lk.21: 7). On this question the Lord gave a straight answer, here it is.
"And this gospel will be preached in the kingdom in all the world (worldwide), a testimony to all nations, and then shall the end come" (Mt.24: 14).
It is clear that neither in 1000 nor in 2000 nor the March 2006 Good News about the coming kingdom on earth did not reach all people, so do not come to Christ.
For "the Lord is not slack concerning His promise (promise), as some count slackness, but is longsuffering to us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (repent and stop sinning) (2Pet.3: 9).
Thus, the sign of death, this world is the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom to all peoples across the globe. This figure is so obvious that some believers [L.8] consider it a sign (sign) the coming of Jesus Christ. However, this is not true.
4. Sign of the coming
After the performance the last time (Mt.24 :4-13) and to indicate the sign of death, age (Article 14), the Master said to his disciples concerning the sign of His coming, as well as subsequent events behind it.
"Then shall appear the sign (more precisely, the sign of) the Son of man in heaven: and then shall (will mourn), and all peoples on earth will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory" (Article 30).
"Then shall appear the sign (more precisely, the sign of) the Son of man in heaven: and then shall (will mourn), and all peoples on earth will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory" (Article 30).
The Bible Banner (al-Jews. "FROM" - sign) is an unusual phenomenon, which demonstrates the direct intervention of God in the affairs of man and urges him to pay attention to it [L.9, p.32]. Such a sign (the sign) is most often preceded and sometimes accompanied or completes some important event.
For example, before the exodus from Egypt to convince the Israeli people in the mission of Moses, Yahweh gives the signs: the wand, turning into a snake and vice versa, the hand is covered with a purified from leprosy, the water, touching the ground, blood is made (Ish.4: 1 - 9, 28-31).
Attack of the day the Lord will be preceded by a solar and lunar eclipses (Ioil.2: 31) and accompanied by signs in heaven: blood, fire and pillars of smoke (Ioil.2: 30). After the flood, the Elohim put a rainbow as a reminder (the sign) of the covenant (Byt.9 :13-16). A sign of God may be the man himself: Ezekiel (Iez.24: 24), Mary (Is.7: 14), Jonah (Mt.12 :38-40).
About what exactly is an astronomical phenomenon, ie, visible in the sky the sign of its coming of Jesus spoke of the students? Many Christians believe that coming in the clouds of heaven, the Son of man himself is such a sign [nx 10-13], like Ezekiel, Mary, or Jonah.
However, Jesus clearly says the following sequence of events: 1) shall appear the sign, ie a sign from God, 2) then shall all the tribes, and 3) everyone will see the Son of Man (Mt.24: 30). This sequence of events in time is even more clearly in the Gospel of Luke (Lk.21 :25-27):
For example, before the exodus from Egypt to convince the Israeli people in the mission of Moses, Yahweh gives the signs: the wand, turning into a snake and vice versa, the hand is covered with a purified from leprosy, the water, touching the ground, blood is made (Ish.4: 1 - 9, 28-31).
Attack of the day the Lord will be preceded by a solar and lunar eclipses (Ioil.2: 31) and accompanied by signs in heaven: blood, fire and pillars of smoke (Ioil.2: 30). After the flood, the Elohim put a rainbow as a reminder (the sign) of the covenant (Byt.9 :13-16). A sign of God may be the man himself: Ezekiel (Iez.24: 24), Mary (Is.7: 14), Jonah (Mt.12 :38-40).
About what exactly is an astronomical phenomenon, ie, visible in the sky the sign of its coming of Jesus spoke of the students? Many Christians believe that coming in the clouds of heaven, the Son of man himself is such a sign [nx 10-13], like Ezekiel, Mary, or Jonah.
However, Jesus clearly says the following sequence of events: 1) shall appear the sign, ie a sign from God, 2) then shall all the tribes, and 3) everyone will see the Son of Man (Mt.24: 30). This sequence of events in time is even more clearly in the Gospel of Luke (Lk.21 :25-27):
1) "And there shall be signs in sun and moon and stars" (Article 25, a);
2) "People will faint from terror, apprehensive" (Article 26, a);
3) "And then shall they see the Son of Man" (Article 27 a).
Signs (Mk.13: 24, 25) and the coming of Jesus Christ (v. 26) separates a period of time (Article 29, present-day. Per. "He is near"), which is confirmed by the analysis of verse Lk.21: 28 held in March , 5 years old.
Some Bible commentators believe that a sign in the sky would be blazing cross (John Chrysostom, Cyril of Jerusalem, Origen), or the face of Christ, others believe that the sky will be the image of the Heavenly Jerusalem, the third: the banner of lightning, an unusual star in the glory of God " black hole, the vanguard of the angels with trumpets, and a flaming sword [L.3, 10-19].
Every suggestion in his own way, interesting and not without logic, but biblically justify their very difficult, if at all possible.
Some Bible commentators believe that a sign in the sky would be blazing cross (John Chrysostom, Cyril of Jerusalem, Origen), or the face of Christ, others believe that the sky will be the image of the Heavenly Jerusalem, the third: the banner of lightning, an unusual star in the glory of God " black hole, the vanguard of the angels with trumpets, and a flaming sword [L.3, 10-19].
Every suggestion in his own way, interesting and not without logic, but biblically justify their very difficult, if at all possible.
5. Signs in the sun, moon, stars
As expected Christians mark the coming of the Lord can hardly give some image or the vanguard of the angels, because "it was thought that the historical events associated with the corresponding natural phenomena" [L.28, str.682]. Indeed, the Creator of all things, in particular for signs made of natural light: the sun, moon, stars.
"And God said: Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven ... for signs ..." (Byt.1: 14, Sovrem. Per. "For the special signs"). Under the banner refers to solar and lunar eclipses and other unusual celestial phenomena [L.20, p.43].
In fact, before the onset of the day of the Lord, there will be solar and lunar eclipses, because it is written.
"The sun turned into darkness and the moon - in the blood, before the day of the Lord, the great and terrible" (Ioil.2: 31).
"And God said: Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven ... for signs ..." (Byt.1: 14, Sovrem. Per. "For the special signs"). Under the banner refers to solar and lunar eclipses and other unusual celestial phenomena [L.20, p.43].
In fact, before the onset of the day of the Lord, there will be solar and lunar eclipses, because it is written.
"The sun turned into darkness and the moon - in the blood, before the day of the Lord, the great and terrible" (Ioil.2: 31).
On this day tells his disciples, listing third of astronomical phenomena, "and there will be signs in sun and moon and stars ..." (Lk.21: 25). Vision of these natural signs were given to John: "... the sun became black (blackened) as sackcloth (burlap made of black wool), and the moon became as blood" (Otk.6: 12).
That is, a heavenly body (star) God gave the host of heaven as a sign to indicate the wise men from the east to the birth of the Messiah and bring them into the town of Bethlehem (Mt.2: 2,7,9).
Therefore, do not cross the face of Christ or the Heavenly Jerusalem, but the signs in the sun, moon and stars herald the coming of the Lord? It is tempting to answer: "yes, but better to say:" no. " First, the teacher talked about one sign of his coming, and not three (Mt.24: 30).
Secondly, the third sign in the above luminaries (including eclipses) are difficult to identify with the following words of Jesus.
"For as the lightning (possibly" sun shine "[L.3, str.467]) lighteneth from one end of heaven, shineth unto the other part of the sky (perhaps the" whole earth "[L.6, str.389] ), so will the Son of man in his day "(Lk.17: 24; Mt.24: 27).
That is, a heavenly body (star) God gave the host of heaven as a sign to indicate the wise men from the east to the birth of the Messiah and bring them into the town of Bethlehem (Mt.2: 2,7,9).
Therefore, do not cross the face of Christ or the Heavenly Jerusalem, but the signs in the sun, moon and stars herald the coming of the Lord? It is tempting to answer: "yes, but better to say:" no. " First, the teacher talked about one sign of his coming, and not three (Mt.24: 30).
Secondly, the third sign in the above luminaries (including eclipses) are difficult to identify with the following words of Jesus.
"For as the lightning (possibly" sun shine "[L.3, str.467]) lighteneth from one end of heaven, shineth unto the other part of the sky (perhaps the" whole earth "[L.6, str.389] ), so will the Son of man in his day "(Lk.17: 24; Mt.24: 27).
In this verse, it is not about the eclipse, but rather about the bright glow that confirmed by the analysis of verse Mt.24: 30. In it the word "will" (the sign) translated the Greek word, derived from the verb "to shine" [L.21].
Third, changes in the light of the sun, moon and stars (it was assumed that they are all light sources) will be really (Lk.21: 25, Otk.6: 12, Ioil.2: 31), but there is no valid biblical reason to consider them just to sign, which tells the disciples Christ (Mt.24: 30).
After all, a sign of God's power must be an unusual phenomenon, amazing, awesome (Ish.4 :1-9, 7:3, Ioil.2: 30, Mt.12 :38-40). Then, if at all possible correct answer? how to find it?
Due to the perspective effect, the path of meteors flying on parallel tracks, seem to be emanating from a certain area of the sky, as shown in Figure 1.
Third, changes in the light of the sun, moon and stars (it was assumed that they are all light sources) will be really (Lk.21: 25, Otk.6: 12, Ioil.2: 31), but there is no valid biblical reason to consider them just to sign, which tells the disciples Christ (Mt.24: 30).
After all, a sign of God's power must be an unusual phenomenon, amazing, awesome (Ish.4 :1-9, 7:3, Ioil.2: 30, Mt.12 :38-40). Then, if at all possible correct answer? how to find it?
6. Close context
One of the main analytical tools of exegesis (biblical interpretation) is a context in particular, close, ie semantic relationship of the verse with the preceding or subsequent verse [L.22]. We use this tool, read the previous verse.
"Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the (body) of heaven will be shaken" (Mt.24: 29). It was then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man (24:30).
As we found changes in the light of the sun, moon and stars are not a sign of the Second Coming. Falling stars from heaven, and the oscillation of the heavenly powers (bodies), in fact, also may not be familiar, since it is preceded by the sign.
Then, perhaps, a consequence of the fall of celestial bodies, as predicted in verse 29: "and the stars will fall (fall) from the sky", will serve as a sign of verse 30: "Then shall appear the sign (the sign) of the Son of man in heaven"?
Subject the scrutiny that assumption. What kind of stars, "Jesus says in verse 29? Obviously it comes to shooting stars, so in the old days (sometimes even now) called bright short flashes in the night sky. They were considered the result of falling stars, detached from a solid firmament.
In fact, such outbreaks are caused by the invasion of the Earth's atmosphere meteoroids (meteor) - solid, usually, very small particles. Their weight is negligible (less than 1 milligram), the size is small (less than 1 mm), and the speed with which they fly in the atmosphere is huge (11 ÷ 73 km / sec).
At altitudes of 130 to 60 km from the interaction with the atmosphere (collisions with gas molecules), space particles (larger than 0.1 mm) is heated rapidly and completely evaporate (sublimate), ie how would "burn" (Micrometeorites, ie particles smaller than 3.4 microns pass through the atmosphere without any appreciable loss of mass).
The destruction of meteoroids is accompanied by the glow (and ionization) of atmospheric gases, which allows (at night) to watch a meteor flying through a narrow luminous trail of various lengths, colors and gloss. As a result of "burning" of meteors produced the smallest particles of spherical shape with a diameter of 1 micron to 100 microns (so-called meteoric dust ").
"Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the (body) of heaven will be shaken" (Mt.24: 29). It was then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man (24:30).
As we found changes in the light of the sun, moon and stars are not a sign of the Second Coming. Falling stars from heaven, and the oscillation of the heavenly powers (bodies), in fact, also may not be familiar, since it is preceded by the sign.
Then, perhaps, a consequence of the fall of celestial bodies, as predicted in verse 29: "and the stars will fall (fall) from the sky", will serve as a sign of verse 30: "Then shall appear the sign (the sign) of the Son of man in heaven"?
Subject the scrutiny that assumption. What kind of stars, "Jesus says in verse 29? Obviously it comes to shooting stars, so in the old days (sometimes even now) called bright short flashes in the night sky. They were considered the result of falling stars, detached from a solid firmament.
In fact, such outbreaks are caused by the invasion of the Earth's atmosphere meteoroids (meteor) - solid, usually, very small particles. Their weight is negligible (less than 1 milligram), the size is small (less than 1 mm), and the speed with which they fly in the atmosphere is huge (11 ÷ 73 km / sec).
At altitudes of 130 to 60 km from the interaction with the atmosphere (collisions with gas molecules), space particles (larger than 0.1 mm) is heated rapidly and completely evaporate (sublimate), ie how would "burn" (Micrometeorites, ie particles smaller than 3.4 microns pass through the atmosphere without any appreciable loss of mass).
The destruction of meteoroids is accompanied by the glow (and ionization) of atmospheric gases, which allows (at night) to watch a meteor flying through a narrow luminous trail of various lengths, colors and gloss. As a result of "burning" of meteors produced the smallest particles of spherical shape with a diameter of 1 micron to 100 microns (so-called meteoric dust ").
7. The radiant of a meteor shower
Earth, orbiting at about 30 km / sec., Periodically meets with large swarms of solid particles of space, most often, with clouds of dust from the disintegrating comet. Then (a few times per century) in the night sky appears a lot of falling stars, ie traces (paths) micrometeors so-called star (meteor) rain (N> 10 000).Due to the perspective effect, the path of meteors flying on parallel tracks, seem to be emanating from a certain area of the sky, as shown in Figure 1.

This region (point) of the celestial sphere, from which both would come all the visible or extended back towards space bodies is called the radiant of a meteor stream (from the Latin. "Radiant").
Radiant has a definite position among the constellations, including one where flying meteoroids, and also participates in the daily rotation of the sky. One day he radiant or traces of meteoroids, disappearing over the horizon, they see all the nations of the earth. The radiant glow of the stronger, the more its zenith hourly rate ZHR - The number of meteor bursts per hour. The higher the radiant is above the horizon, the larger meteor trails can be seen at a time.
So, if Jesus Christ in verse 29 with "stars" falling from the sky, is referring to meteoroids, then the astronomical sign in verse 30 is a radiant, which "will" (more precisely, the sun will shine), as a consequence of the fall of these bodies.
Radiant has a definite position among the constellations, including one where flying meteoroids, and also participates in the daily rotation of the sky. One day he radiant or traces of meteoroids, disappearing over the horizon, they see all the nations of the earth. The radiant glow of the stronger, the more its zenith hourly rate ZHR - The number of meteor bursts per hour. The higher the radiant is above the horizon, the larger meteor trails can be seen at a time.
So, if Jesus Christ in verse 29 with "stars" falling from the sky, is referring to meteoroids, then the astronomical sign in verse 30 is a radiant, which "will" (more precisely, the sun will shine), as a consequence of the fall of these bodies.
At the sight of such an unusual, magnificent, awesome lights the night sky of all the inhabitants of the land will cover the great tribulation (Mt.24: 21, 30), and great fear. As predicted by the prophet Joel: "tremble (tremble) peoples, all faces shall gather blackness" (Ioil.2: 6).
Furthermore, "People will faint (faint) from fear (and fear), and apprehensive of what is coming on the earth for the heavenly bodies will be shaken (ie the heavenly bodies will come in motion)" (Lk.21: 26).
Like a star in the east served as a sign of the first coming of the Son of man, as a celestial body, and then the radiant in the north would herald the Second Coming of the Savior, King, Judge. Awake to see the radiant will be in the evening, night and early morning, as the sudden return of the house owner (Mk.13: 35), as if to throw the network, which "come on all them that dwell on all the face of earth" (Lk.21: 35).
Furthermore, "People will faint (faint) from fear (and fear), and apprehensive of what is coming on the earth for the heavenly bodies will be shaken (ie the heavenly bodies will come in motion)" (Lk.21: 26).
Like a star in the east served as a sign of the first coming of the Son of man, as a celestial body, and then the radiant in the north would herald the Second Coming of the Savior, King, Judge. Awake to see the radiant will be in the evening, night and early morning, as the sudden return of the house owner (Mk.13: 35), as if to throw the network, which "come on all them that dwell on all the face of earth" (Lk.21: 35).
8. Broad context
Can anyone confirm the above broader context of Chapter Mt. 24 and the other Gospels? Yes, for example, we turn to verse 27: "For as the lightning cometh out (flashes) from the east, and shineth even unto the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man."
In this saying of Jesus is not about lightning, but that effect which it produces - brilliance, illuminating the entire sky, as seen from the parallel verse in Luke.
"For as the lightning lighteneth from one end of heaven, shineth unto the other part of the sky (now the lane." Shines and illuminates ...") so will the Son of man in his day "(Lk.17: 24).
In this saying of Jesus is not about lightning, but that effect which it produces - brilliance, illuminating the entire sky, as seen from the parallel verse in Luke.
"For as the lightning lighteneth from one end of heaven, shineth unto the other part of the sky (now the lane." Shines and illuminates ...") so will the Son of man in his day "(Lk.17: 24).
The same lighting effect as this lightning (according to some interpretations, "the sunshine" [L.6, str.389]), gives the appearance of massive meteoroids. Thanks to numerous outbreaks of burning meteor radiant, in fact, will cover the entire sky (perhaps a different understanding Lk.17: 24: "the whole earth from one end to the" [L.6]).
Luke brings these words Christ. "But the day that Lot went out of Sodom it poured from the sky rain fire and brimstone (of fire and brimstone) and destroyed them all: That will be the day when the Son of man is revealed" (Lk.17: 29,30).
In Matthew and Mark on the same astronomical event read: "And the stars shall fall from heaven" (Mt.24: 29, Mk.13: 25).
Consequently, the "rain of fire and brimstone" (Lk.17: 29), this falling star (Mt.24: 29), ie meteoroids, the fall of which today often referred to as a star in the rain.
Indeed, in ancient meteor flashes can be compared with the fast burning bright dusty self-inflammable crystals of native sulfur (so-called "combustible stone"), deposits of which was in the Jordan Valley [L.7]. That is why Jesus, after Moses (Byt.19: 24), calls the rain c sky sulfur.
Why did the Bible says about the rain not only sulfur, but also of the fire?
The fact that not all meteoroids are of such small size and mass, which is completely vaporized and sprayed into the atmosphere (apart from micrometeorites).
For example, meteorites, ie, meteors mass of about a gram to 10 kg or more, during braking, heated to 3000 ° C and lost up to 90% of its mass due to ablation (ablation material flow of hot gas) reaches the earth's surface.Meteorite in the form of a fireball with a long luminous tail of the hot gases and particulates called "fireballs" (Greek: "javelin", 2). Flight of pounding on the car, visible even in daylight and ends falling to the ground and the crater, or, more commonly, disruption in air with loss of small meteoroids.
Luke brings these words Christ. "But the day that Lot went out of Sodom it poured from the sky rain fire and brimstone (of fire and brimstone) and destroyed them all: That will be the day when the Son of man is revealed" (Lk.17: 29,30).
In Matthew and Mark on the same astronomical event read: "And the stars shall fall from heaven" (Mt.24: 29, Mk.13: 25).
Consequently, the "rain of fire and brimstone" (Lk.17: 29), this falling star (Mt.24: 29), ie meteoroids, the fall of which today often referred to as a star in the rain.
Indeed, in ancient meteor flashes can be compared with the fast burning bright dusty self-inflammable crystals of native sulfur (so-called "combustible stone"), deposits of which was in the Jordan Valley [L.7]. That is why Jesus, after Moses (Byt.19: 24), calls the rain c sky sulfur.

The fact that not all meteoroids are of such small size and mass, which is completely vaporized and sprayed into the atmosphere (apart from micrometeorites).
For example, meteorites, ie, meteors mass of about a gram to 10 kg or more, during braking, heated to 3000 ° C and lost up to 90% of its mass due to ablation (ablation material flow of hot gas) reaches the earth's surface.
Such a "rain of fire" John saw (Rev. 8:7), ie he observed, in particular, flight car - a large star, burning like a torch (8:10), a more accurate translation, "Torch". And the car and torch gives a bright flashing lights, flames, sparks, smoke.
9. Lord's Day
Biblical wonders, often, not only to foreshadow future events, but are an integral part of [L.28, str.682]. As in the case of the Second Coming of Christ, briefly described by the Apostle Peter.
"There will come the same day of the Lord as a thief (thief) at night, and then the heavens with noise (rumble) will pass away (go away), and the elements (Celestial Bodies), flushed, the earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up" (2Pet.3: 10).
"There will come the same day of the Lord as a thief (thief) at night, and then the heavens with noise (rumble) will pass away (go away), and the elements (Celestial Bodies), flushed, the earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up" (2Pet.3: 10).
Try to answer arise when reading this verse questions:
1) how the day could come at night?
2) Why come like a thief?
3) for whatever reason will flare up and destroy the heavenly bodies?
First, the radiant - the astronomical sign of the coming will be visible only a cloudless night and not visible in the daytime. As it is written: "will come the same day of the Lord ... at night." In addition, proceeding from a radiant glow so bright, like a night suddenly one day.
Interestingly, in the Passover Seder religious Jews read acrostic Rabbi Yanaya, ending with the words (on the day of arrival of the Messiah): "Make the darkness of night shining in the brilliant light of your day" [L.23], and the third book of Ezra has amazing eschatological prophecy (verses 5 : 1,4): "On the signs:" ... suddenly the sun will shine in the night ... "[L.24].
Secondly, the comparison by Peter Day of the Lord with a thief (an obsolete "thief"), at first glance, it was inappropriate, but it also occurs in John (Otk.3: 3, 16:15) and Paul (1Fes.5: 2,4 ) that can not be considered inappropriate or accidental.
The traditional explanation of the word "Thief": a desire to emphasize the suddenness of the apostles of Christ's coming. However, even in those days there were more nuanced synonyms for the word "suddenness".
The appearance of this unusual comparison can be explained by the fact that in the ancient Near East thief penetrated into the house at night, digging a hole in the wall of earth bricks [L.25, str.180), L.3, str.153]. Because Jesus Christ, calling the faithful to stay awake till the moment of his coming, says:
"But did you know that if you had known (know) the landlord, in what watch (the hour), the thief was coming, he would have watched and did not let his house be broken" (Mt.24: 43).
Radiant, just, and is thus "undermining" the unexpected "hole", a breakthrough in the night sky. Therefore, the Prophet Isaiah in these words the Lord calls.
"Oh, if you rend the heavens and come down!" (Is.64: 1, present-day. Per. "Pierce the heavens, descended to the ground" [L.26]). The Psalmist is so full of holes broken through the sky calls dilapidated garment, which is variable Adonai (Ps.101: 27).
Third, the element breaks out due to friction of the atmosphere. Then, the cosmic body:
1) or "destroyed" (2Pet.3: 10,12), as fireballs;
2) or "melt" (3:12), ie completely evaporate as meteoroids of small size.
Due to the many fires that occur after the destruction of the heavenly bodies, earth and the works on it will burn "(Article 3: 10, Sovrem. Per." Earth, along with everything on it will be burned "[L.26 ]).
2) Why come like a thief?
3) for whatever reason will flare up and destroy the heavenly bodies?
First, the radiant - the astronomical sign of the coming will be visible only a cloudless night and not visible in the daytime. As it is written: "will come the same day of the Lord ... at night." In addition, proceeding from a radiant glow so bright, like a night suddenly one day.
Interestingly, in the Passover Seder religious Jews read acrostic Rabbi Yanaya, ending with the words (on the day of arrival of the Messiah): "Make the darkness of night shining in the brilliant light of your day" [L.23], and the third book of Ezra has amazing eschatological prophecy (verses 5 : 1,4): "On the signs:" ... suddenly the sun will shine in the night ... "[L.24].
Secondly, the comparison by Peter Day of the Lord with a thief (an obsolete "thief"), at first glance, it was inappropriate, but it also occurs in John (Otk.3: 3, 16:15) and Paul (1Fes.5: 2,4 ) that can not be considered inappropriate or accidental.
The traditional explanation of the word "Thief": a desire to emphasize the suddenness of the apostles of Christ's coming. However, even in those days there were more nuanced synonyms for the word "suddenness".
The appearance of this unusual comparison can be explained by the fact that in the ancient Near East thief penetrated into the house at night, digging a hole in the wall of earth bricks [L.25, str.180), L.3, str.153]. Because Jesus Christ, calling the faithful to stay awake till the moment of his coming, says:
"But did you know that if you had known (know) the landlord, in what watch (the hour), the thief was coming, he would have watched and did not let his house be broken" (Mt.24: 43).
Radiant, just, and is thus "undermining" the unexpected "hole", a breakthrough in the night sky. Therefore, the Prophet Isaiah in these words the Lord calls.
"Oh, if you rend the heavens and come down!" (Is.64: 1, present-day. Per. "Pierce the heavens, descended to the ground" [L.26]). The Psalmist is so full of holes broken through the sky calls dilapidated garment, which is variable Adonai (Ps.101: 27).
Third, the element breaks out due to friction of the atmosphere. Then, the cosmic body:
1) or "destroyed" (2Pet.3: 10,12), as fireballs;
2) or "melt" (3:12), ie completely evaporate as meteoroids of small size.
Due to the many fires that occur after the destruction of the heavenly bodies, earth and the works on it will burn "(Article 3: 10, Sovrem. Per." Earth, along with everything on it will be burned "[L.26 ]).
10. Biblical parallelism
We use another analytical tool of exegesis - a biblical parallelism [L.22], to finally clarify the question of the sign of the Son of Man. In this case, we note that the biblical books were written in the concepts, terminology and beliefs of his time.
Let us turn to the Old Testament, first, to the Psalter, in Psalm 17 which describes the coming of (the Lord) with the use of anthropomorphic terms.
"Shocked and was moved earth trembled and is moved (shook) the base of the mountains, because he was angry, God went up a smoke from his nostrils (or rather," from his nostrils) and out of the mouth (oral) His consuming fire (eating); hot coals (fire sparks) were kindled by it ...
The brightness (radiance) before him fled the clouds of His (now first. "His dazzling radiance of the clouds rip [L.26]), hail and coals of fire. Thundered the Lord in heaven, and God has given a voice (voice) His, hail and coals of fire. Let his arrows and scattered them, (threw) a lot of lightning, and scattered them "(Ps.17 :8-16).
This is an unusual description, even in details, coincides with the stories of Jesus Christ for His coming (Mt.24 :27-30, Lk.17 :24-30, Mk.13 :24-26), and similarly several visions, which he John opened.
For example, "I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake ... the stars of heaven fell to the ground ... the heaven svivshis like a scroll and every mountain and island were moved (were moved) out of their places, and there followed hail and fire mixed with blood, and fell to the ground "(Otk.6 :12-17, 8:5-12, 16:18-21).
Let us turn to the Old Testament, first, to the Psalter, in Psalm 17 which describes the coming of (the Lord) with the use of anthropomorphic terms.
"Shocked and was moved earth trembled and is moved (shook) the base of the mountains, because he was angry, God went up a smoke from his nostrils (or rather," from his nostrils) and out of the mouth (oral) His consuming fire (eating); hot coals (fire sparks) were kindled by it ...
The brightness (radiance) before him fled the clouds of His (now first. "His dazzling radiance of the clouds rip [L.26]), hail and coals of fire. Thundered the Lord in heaven, and God has given a voice (voice) His, hail and coals of fire. Let his arrows and scattered them, (threw) a lot of lightning, and scattered them "(Ps.17 :8-16).
This is an unusual description, even in details, coincides with the stories of Jesus Christ for His coming (Mt.24 :27-30, Lk.17 :24-30, Mk.13 :24-26), and similarly several visions, which he John opened.
For example, "I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake ... the stars of heaven fell to the ground ... the heaven svivshis like a scroll and every mountain and island were moved (were moved) out of their places, and there followed hail and fire mixed with blood, and fell to the ground "(Otk.6 :12-17, 8:5-12, 16:18-21).
Seen (meteoroids) John calls: the stars of heaven (6:13), fire, mountain, star (8:7-10, 9:1), the prophet Isaiah - the hosts of heaven (34:4), the evangelists Matthew and Mark refer to meteors stars (Mt.24: 29, Mk.13: 25), Luke - a rain of fire (Lk.17: 29,30), the apostle Peter - flushed elements (2Pet.3: 10,12).
David calls the meteors hot (fire) coals (Ps.17: 9, 13, 14), sublimation which causes powerful electric discharges in the Earth's atmosphere ("lightning" in Article 15).
Apparently, that meteors are called the Old Testament prophets and arrows and spears, star of the armies of God (Avv.3: 11, Zah.9: 14, Is.50: 11). However, if the fiery sparks a meteoroids, whereas in the 17 th psalm should be a description of the radiant.
David calls the meteors hot (fire) coals (Ps.17: 9, 13, 14), sublimation which causes powerful electric discharges in the Earth's atmosphere ("lightning" in Article 15).
Apparently, that meteors are called the Old Testament prophets and arrows and spears, star of the armies of God (Avv.3: 11, Zah.9: 14, Is.50: 11). However, if the fiery sparks a meteoroids, whereas in the 17 th psalm should be a description of the radiant.
11. What do the mouth of God?
The mouth of Yahweh Elohim (Ps.17: 9) David calls, most likely, the radiant of a meteor shower, ripped the clouds (v. 13), which is not surprising, given the universal scope and character of this celestial phenomenon. B Olid same name as the fire devours.
After all, the images of large sizes in the Bible are associated with God, and are also used for the image of His power and the court [L.27, p.106]. That is, Yahweh controls the atmospheric phenomena (Ier.10: 13), on the day of battle and war "(Iov.38: 22, 23), which are driven by the wind, awakens him breathing," L.28, str.635] .
David sees as the breath of the Almighty, "rose the smoke from his nostrils, and out of his mouth devouring fire" (Ps.17: 9, Heb. A lot of literature synecdoche, that is the stylistic revolutions, in which part (mouth) acts as a whole [ L.27, str.252]). These giant mouth (radiant), the psalmist saw in the house of God - heaven (Ps.2: 4, 13:2).
The prophet Isaiah foresaw: Before the Coming of the Messiah, He was "a rod of His mouth hit the ground, and the spirit of his mouth, he slay the wicked" (Is.11: 4, b). John, describing what he saw, uses the same image: "out of the mouth (oral) its a sharp two-edged sword "(Otk.1: 16, 19:15).
It is noteworthy that the Hebrew word «peh» (mouth) also has a value of "hole" (Byt.42: 27, I.Nav.10: 18.22, Dan.6: 17). In a literal sense, «peh» this weekend (inlet) from something: a well, cave, bag [L.27, str.1006].
At the latitude of Jerusalem, the radiant of a meteor shower from the Cepheus constellation near the pole, consisting of 7 reference stars (a total of 148, but only seven brighter than the 4 th magnitude) will be visible at night in the north on the edge of the sky (ie, near the horizon) and , overnight, will move towards the East. Isaiah calls it a military sign (banner) that God will give to gather their forces.
"And raise the ensign to the nations far, and will hiss at the end of the earth - and now, it's easy and will come soon" (Is.5 :26-30; Ier.4: 21).
When we read about the mouth of the Elohim, or that he will raise the flag, give a sign, go, see, hear, and so forth, we are faced with anthropomorphism, which many in the Bible [L.20, p.121, 309]. More precisely, the personification, when human properties are transferred to God, natural phenomena or objects.
After all, the images of large sizes in the Bible are associated with God, and are also used for the image of His power and the court [L.27, p.106]. That is, Yahweh controls the atmospheric phenomena (Ier.10: 13), on the day of battle and war "(Iov.38: 22, 23), which are driven by the wind, awakens him breathing," L.28, str.635] .
David sees as the breath of the Almighty, "rose the smoke from his nostrils, and out of his mouth devouring fire" (Ps.17: 9, Heb. A lot of literature synecdoche, that is the stylistic revolutions, in which part (mouth) acts as a whole [ L.27, str.252]). These giant mouth (radiant), the psalmist saw in the house of God - heaven (Ps.2: 4, 13:2).
The prophet Isaiah foresaw: Before the Coming of the Messiah, He was "a rod of His mouth hit the ground, and the spirit of his mouth, he slay the wicked" (Is.11: 4, b). John, describing what he saw, uses the same image: "out of the mouth (oral) its a sharp two-edged sword "(Otk.1: 16, 19:15).
It is noteworthy that the Hebrew word «peh» (mouth) also has a value of "hole" (Byt.42: 27, I.Nav.10: 18.22, Dan.6: 17). In a literal sense, «peh» this weekend (inlet) from something: a well, cave, bag [L.27, str.1006].
At the latitude of Jerusalem, the radiant of a meteor shower from the Cepheus constellation near the pole, consisting of 7 reference stars (a total of 148, but only seven brighter than the 4 th magnitude) will be visible at night in the north on the edge of the sky (ie, near the horizon) and , overnight, will move towards the East. Isaiah calls it a military sign (banner) that God will give to gather their forces.
"And raise the ensign to the nations far, and will hiss at the end of the earth - and now, it's easy and will come soon" (Is.5 :26-30; Ier.4: 21).
When we read about the mouth of the Elohim, or that he will raise the flag, give a sign, go, see, hear, and so forth, we are faced with anthropomorphism, which many in the Bible [L.20, p.121, 309]. More precisely, the personification, when human properties are transferred to God, natural phenomena or objects.
12. Guns anger the Almighty
Through the prism of historical events (the invasion of Babylon), the term prorochekoy Isaiah sees (Is.1: 1) the eschatological day of the Lord (13:4-13). Here, it should be clarified that "talk about the future in grammatical categories of the present or even past time - the characteristic method of prophetic speech, testified about the confidence to speak in the implementation of what he prophesied," [L.30, p.84]. Yeshaya wrote.
"They come from a far country, from the edge of the sky (horizon), your Lord and weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole earth" (Is.13: 5, see also Ier.6: 22, Vtor.28: 49).
Under the guns of God's wrath (modern translation of "Army of retaliation") the prophet has in mind, most likely, the host of heaven, ie, stars (Meteoroids) that fall from the sky and istleyut (Is.34: 4).
In another test, Isaiah describes, in fact, named after the procession of the Lord (Is.30: 27). Mentioning not only his mouth (anthropomorphism) as a source of resentment, his tongue "as a devouring fire, but burning" his anger. "
The word "anger" in Hebrew also means "nose" [L.26, str.582], so the literal translation of Ps.17: 9 looks like this: "Smoke rose from his nostrils" (now the first. "His anger as fire in a thick cloud of smoke ").
"They come from a far country, from the edge of the sky (horizon), your Lord and weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole earth" (Is.13: 5, see also Ier.6: 22, Vtor.28: 49).
Under the guns of God's wrath (modern translation of "Army of retaliation") the prophet has in mind, most likely, the host of heaven, ie, stars (Meteoroids) that fall from the sky and istleyut (Is.34: 4).
In another test, Isaiah describes, in fact, named after the procession of the Lord (Is.30: 27). Mentioning not only his mouth (anthropomorphism) as a source of resentment, his tongue "as a devouring fire, but burning" his anger. "
The word "anger" in Hebrew also means "nose" [L.26, str.582], so the literal translation of Ps.17: 9 looks like this: "Smoke rose from his nostrils" (now the first. "His anger as fire in a thick cloud of smoke ").
Although the Jews believed that Yahweh can not be represented in some physical form, a description of the Almighty with the use of familiar images of real (ie, personification), seen as perfectly acceptable [L.28, str.596].
Consequently, in Psalm 17:9 and Is.30: 27 it is likely to fireballs - the fiery balls with tails of smoke (Fig. 2), falling from the sky on the day of his fierce anger "(Is.13: 13 , b; Rev. 8:10). Comparison of anger with flames of fire is common in Hebrew and related languages it [L.1, str.512].
The prophet Nahum under the wrath of God means, apparently, blood-red canopy of heaven because of dust from the feet of the Lord (Naum.1 :3-6). This is the image of anger John used to describe one of his visions (Otk.6: 16, 17).
In fact, due to filling the atmosphere with dust, it will be different optical properties. Therefore, the color of the sky change from blue, which is determined mainly by molecular scattering of sunlight in the red, owing to the prevailing aerosol light scattering (at microdispersed particles).
Change the color of the sky at the blood-red, is probably one of the astronomical sign of the prophet Joel ("blood" in article 2: 30). The Apostle Peter calls this the Sky "on fire the heavens (2Pet.3: 12), and Paul -" a flame of fire "(2Fes.1: 8).
Consequently, in Psalm 17:9 and Is.30: 27 it is likely to fireballs - the fiery balls with tails of smoke (Fig. 2), falling from the sky on the day of his fierce anger "(Is.13: 13 , b; Rev. 8:10). Comparison of anger with flames of fire is common in Hebrew and related languages it [L.1, str.512].
The prophet Nahum under the wrath of God means, apparently, blood-red canopy of heaven because of dust from the feet of the Lord (Naum.1 :3-6). This is the image of anger John used to describe one of his visions (Otk.6: 16, 17).
In fact, due to filling the atmosphere with dust, it will be different optical properties. Therefore, the color of the sky change from blue, which is determined mainly by molecular scattering of sunlight in the red, owing to the prevailing aerosol light scattering (at microdispersed particles).
Change the color of the sky at the blood-red, is probably one of the astronomical sign of the prophet Joel ("blood" in article 2: 30). The Apostle Peter calls this the Sky "on fire the heavens (2Pet.3: 12), and Paul -" a flame of fire "(2Fes.1: 8).
13. Cache of the power of God and his chariots
Another Old Testament description of the coming of the Lord is in the third chapter of Habakkuk.
"God comes from Teman, the Holy - from Mount Paran. He covered the heavens and the earth was filled with his glory. Luster (shine), it - like sunlight rays from his hands (literally," horn "), and there was the hiding of His force (of fame)! ...
The sun and moon stood still in their (now first. "Lost its luster, no longer shining, seeing bright flashes [L.26]) before the light of thine arrows, before the glow of glittering spears (" flying in space "), Thy ( Avv.3 :3-19).
Reading this, as well as other texts on the day of the LORD, as the Old Testament and New Testament, formed a firm belief that we are talking about the same event - the Second Coming of the Messiah. All texts, despite the differences in vocabulary, which coincide in the main, do not contradict the details, complement each other.
For example, Habakkuk gives an important addition regarding the previously mentioned arrows and spears of God of the armies of heaven: Boom emit light, and glittering spears - Sunshine (Avv.3: 11). Apparently, the prophet does not call them by lightning, as not believe Zechariah (Zah.9: 14) and Christ (Lk.17: 24).
Because lightning flashes appear as broken lines with multiple zig-zag branches and arrows and spears are like straight lines. Specifically, Habakkuk had in mind the straight-line traces erupted meteoroids (Fig. 1): small (arrows) and large - fireballs (javelin).
Bright streaks of meteors prophet refers to the rays, and a dark spot radiant - Cache power (glory) of God: "the hand of his rays, and there was the hiding of his power" (Article 3: 4, b). Light (lights) around the radiant, he calls the majesty, covering the skies, and the glory of Elohim, filling the land (Article 3: 3, b).
Words: "light," "majesty," "Glory" are synonymous, since the glory "is a dazzling radiance, marking the presence of God" [L.6, p.70, L.26, P.68]. Mesopotamian gods "is its strength by telammu, heavenly radiance" [L.28, p.122].
Comparison of the Old Testament prophet shining glory of the Almighty (Heb. "kabod") with light: shine, "as the sunlight" (Article 3: 4, a) is also not accidental. Because radiant thing God's hands, will emit light (in Hebrew, literally, "horn"), like solar radiation.
This radiant include hidden (secret) sun night sky or, better, "the hiding of his power (fame)."
"God comes from Teman, the Holy - from Mount Paran. He covered the heavens and the earth was filled with his glory. Luster (shine), it - like sunlight rays from his hands (literally," horn "), and there was the hiding of His force (of fame)! ...
The sun and moon stood still in their (now first. "Lost its luster, no longer shining, seeing bright flashes [L.26]) before the light of thine arrows, before the glow of glittering spears (" flying in space "), Thy ( Avv.3 :3-19).
Reading this, as well as other texts on the day of the LORD, as the Old Testament and New Testament, formed a firm belief that we are talking about the same event - the Second Coming of the Messiah. All texts, despite the differences in vocabulary, which coincide in the main, do not contradict the details, complement each other.
For example, Habakkuk gives an important addition regarding the previously mentioned arrows and spears of God of the armies of heaven: Boom emit light, and glittering spears - Sunshine (Avv.3: 11). Apparently, the prophet does not call them by lightning, as not believe Zechariah (Zah.9: 14) and Christ (Lk.17: 24).
Because lightning flashes appear as broken lines with multiple zig-zag branches and arrows and spears are like straight lines. Specifically, Habakkuk had in mind the straight-line traces erupted meteoroids (Fig. 1): small (arrows) and large - fireballs (javelin).
Bright streaks of meteors prophet refers to the rays, and a dark spot radiant - Cache power (glory) of God: "the hand of his rays, and there was the hiding of his power" (Article 3: 4, b). Light (lights) around the radiant, he calls the majesty, covering the skies, and the glory of Elohim, filling the land (Article 3: 3, b).
Words: "light," "majesty," "Glory" are synonymous, since the glory "is a dazzling radiance, marking the presence of God" [L.6, p.70, L.26, P.68]. Mesopotamian gods "is its strength by telammu, heavenly radiance" [L.28, p.122].
Comparison of the Old Testament prophet shining glory of the Almighty (Heb. "kabod") with light: shine, "as the sunlight" (Article 3: 4, a) is also not accidental. Because radiant thing God's hands, will emit light (in Hebrew, literally, "horn"), like solar radiation.
This radiant include hidden (secret) sun night sky or, better, "the hiding of his power (fame)."
However, compared to the sun, the radiant has a significant difference, namely: the meteor trail quickly disappears (through 0,1-3 sec.), But there is another trail in that area of sky that is also instantly disappear. Because radiant (with a large number of hourly N) resembles the rotating spokes of combat iron chariots [L.28, str.254].
Perhaps for this reason and also because of the large size and movement through the heavens, the prophet Isaiah calls the radiant chariot of Yahweh.
"For behold, the LORD will come with fire, and chariots (the original," Chariot ") He - like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and rebuke (resentment) Its a flaming fire" (Is.66: 15, and the chariot wheel in antiquity, is widespread astral symbols).
"For behold, the LORD will come with fire, and chariots (the original," Chariot ") He - like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and rebuke (resentment) Its a flaming fire" (Is.66: 15, and the chariot wheel in antiquity, is widespread astral symbols).
14. Lamp of God and His face
The Bible also used other names radiant day of the Lord. This grand, awesome, visible presence of the Creator of the universe. For example, the prophet Zephaniah described the visit to Jerusalem in God "... the day of wrath, a day of clouds and thick darkness" (Sof.1: 15)."And in that time: I'm with lamp examination ('ll search) Jerusalem, and punish (find) those who sit on his lees, and say in their heart:" LORD will not do good nor evil "(Sof.1: 12 ).
Yahweh Elohim will go according to ancient Jewish custom, when on the eve of the Passover night, the family head with a light went around the house to check whether all the deleted yeast (leaven) from home (Ish.12: 19).
However, the grandiose scale of the event (Sof.1 :2-4 ,12,16-18) suggest that the prophet has in mind the unusual light (radiant), which belongs to God, who, during the dark night lights up the city.
John in one of the visions, hears that the rocks tell people hiding in caves and ravines of the mountains: "Fall on us and hide us from the person who sat on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb" (Otk.6: 15,16).
In another case, John, he sees the Almighty, the person that compares with the brightly shining sun, "his face - as the sun shineth in his strength" (1:16). Indeed, the "Face of God" - the radiant Son of Man will shine like the sun in his strength.
Radiance emanating from the divine countenance, such as in the Psalm of David, "his dazzling radiance ripped the clouds" (Ps.17: 13, Sovrem. Per. [L.26]), in the Middle Eastern tradition was considered dangerous to humans [L.27, str.613].
Therefore, in parallel verses of Isaiah, "Go into the rock, and hid the land from the fear of God and the glory of his majesty" (Is.2: 10,19,21) fear the Lord and the glory (in Masoretskom text: "shine" ) of his majesty, seems to also mean radiant radiant.
The same radiant, in another chapter, the prophet calls terminate (torn) the heavens and the person (synecdoche), Adonijah, from which melted the mountain and shake the nations, when He will descend from heaven (Is.64: 1, 2; Avv.3: 3 - 6).
15. The great winepress of wrath
Another name hiding power of God, used by John, - ground, more precisely: "the great winepress (winepress) the wrath of God" (Otk.14: 19) or the "winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God" (19:15).
Whetted in the old days was called the pit (Is.5: 2, Mt.21: 33) or carved into the rock, or dug in the ground and cushioned with stones and clay, in which the feet trampling grapes to squeeze the juice out of it [L.27, 29]. Cries growers, trampling the winepress, the prophet Jeremiah likens the Almighty's voice on the day of competition (the court) with the people. "The Lord shall roar from on high ... terrible roar ... cry all the inhabitants of the earth" (Ier.25: 30).
This noise (in Masor, "hum"), you will hear throughout the land (Article 31), then rises a great whirlwind, and evil shall go forth from one country to another (Article 32).
The image of the wine press (spinning), we also find the prophet Isaiah describes the coming of the Lord of heavenly hosts of the day of vengeance (Is.63 :1-6).
"Why is thy apparel red, and garments (clothing) you like (winegrower) trampled the winepress?" I have trodden the winepress alone, and the people there was none with me (no help) and I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury, their blood splashed on the robe (clothing) are mine, and I will stain (soiled) ... all my raiment. "
This unusual image of the crushed rage and anger, God's people, like grapes in a winepress trampling under their feet, should not be interpreted literally. Because of Heaven "winepress of the wrath of God" John and Isaiah accept, most likely, radiant (pit, a mouth hole in the sky), meteor trails which are like splashes of blood. Red is likened to a dark red sky rizam, clothes, stained with blood.
Thus, this study Bible suggests that the sign (indication) of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be the completion of the gospel of the coming kingdom of peace, and sign (sign) of His coming will serve as the radiant.
Then the sky herald the truth about God, each person will see his glory ... and come to confusion all those who worship their idols (Ps.96 :3-7).